Friday, May 30, 2008

Chaps 11-13 Too Funny!

I just have to say that I laughed my head off reading the description of the prospective cheese makers poking at the rotten cheeses and stuffing pieces in their drunk companion's mouth. It was hilarious. Fee is just too funny for words in this section. He knows everything and he seems to take great delight in the shock, chaos, madness and surprise that everyone else is experiencing. While Chapter 11 was shockingly sad (what is it about us picking books with a character with a really screwed up mother?!) Chapter 12 had me laughing out loud and Chapter 13 had me entranced with all of the action. By action I mean everything that is happening at once. All the layers of activity, emotions, premonitions etc make a brilliant scene in my opinion. It makes me long to be a part of it all! I don't know if this could be called the hear of the story or not, but it certainly is the heart of the characters! I am loving this book more and more the further I get into it. Not only is the story original, interesting and unpredictable enough to entertain, but the characters are rich, deep and fascinating. As much as I love the story, I think I love the people in it even more, despite their quirks, problems and issues. I'm giving Lynch 2 thumbs up so far on this one.

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