Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blessed Are the Cheesemakers, part II

So, I don't know about the rest of you, but I do not think I will take until June 20th to finish the book. I am already on Ch. 17, and I only have two more days until I am out for the summer (Hallelujah!) So, I will be having much more free time on my hand. I know that Eden is done, and I think Chris is done as well? I don't know where you are, Emily, and I don't know that Sarah has actually read anything yet (always the slacker), but do we want to change the end date to sooner? Plus, the book is due back in to the library on June 2nd, so I will probably finish it before then. Anyways, let me know what you guys think.

So, since we are only technically supposed to post on the next 5 chapters, I will try not to spoil anything again. I agree with Chris in that the first 5 chapters were interesting but kind of random. I liked the next 5 much better, it is really sucking me into the story. I had to skip ahead a chapter even when Abbey was finding out that her husband was cheating on her because I couldn't wait through a whole chapter to find out what she did. I went back, of course, to poor Kit after Abbey had left her husband.

I am feeling really bad for Kit. I was kind of mad at the other people in his life because I felt they were being really unfeeling. What person would be able to get on with their life only 3 months after a spouse had died? I mean, I know he was falling apart and they were trying to help him with his drinking problem, but still. Everyone was pretty much telling him to get over it and get on. Death is a significant grief, and it takes a long time to work through that kind of pain. I don't think we know yet how Jacey died, do we? Who else is thinking it was suicide?

One of my favorite quotes from chapter 10, involving Kit and Maureen, "He was exhausted enough by Maureen McCarthy and she wasn't even particularly fierce. Just nosy. The strain of her not asking any more about his personal circumstances over breakfast had plum tuckered the two of them out."


Chremdacasi said...

Well, I finished the book last week, though I wrote a post and saved it for each section. I will post them according to the weeks unless Sarah decides to hurry up and read the book and then I can post them all. so I guess the ball is in your court, Sarah!

sarahnoel said...

I've been wondering about how Jacey died--I get the impression that she had an abortion at the very least, if not suicide. Also, no one seemed to like Jacey very much--I wonder what the back story is on their relationship. It's interesting that with such a long book Lynch has not told us, although I do like it when authors don't tell use every detail about the characters.

I really liked Niamh's help when Kit was leaving--how she half undressed so people would stare at her, not him. It made me laugh, but was also aching sweet because I can only imagine that having people look at you as you walk out would be ridiculously painful.