Sunday, November 23, 2008

a week behind

But then, that's obvious. Yet, I have finished 4-6 and am here to discuss.

How in the world do I sum up three chapters that hit me so deeply? the whole thing about a woman feeling like she's 'too much' and 'not enough' is so true. For me, for other women I know.

I think the biggest new idea was that Satan was out for our blood. Because of beauty and because of our ability to give life (even if we never have kids). I mean, women have been treated so terribly over the centuries and i never thought it was because of Satan's agenda. Sort of explains a lot of it. The fact that we are so important that he really hates us. It's kind of cool. I mean, we're a big threat. We are so awesome and valuable to God and to others, that Satan is threatened.

Ha, take that!

I don't know where my wounds come from really. A few I can point to where the specific hurt began, but most of them just kinda showed up and were reinforced. I was blessed (am blessed, actually) to have really loving parents. A dad that I could see God through. A mom who thought I was brilliant (and these are still true). The wounds really didn't come so much from them (though some did, i'm sure).

The moving did a lot. Never having friends for longer than 3 years kind of affects you. Never having really good friends till Taylor did more damage than I realized. My fear of being 'too much' comes from 'friends' in high school who only liked me when i was in a good mood. I've never thought of my constant moving as being something I might need to look at. The fact that I'm still friends with all of you, nearly ten years in the making, is still a complete shock.

The idea that God thwarts our turning to other things for satisfaction was interesting. The big picture idea, that perhaps when we don't get what we want or the like, is actually God trying to get us to look at him, cause He is the only thing (being) that can satisfy our longings. Kind of puts my lack of boyfriend in a new light.

This book, second time round, is teaching me things still. New things. Reinforcing ideas that I saw the first time through. I think i could read it a billion times and still keep learning.


Chremdacasi said...

I agree...the whole God thwarting what we'd tend to to trust in...not being allowed to get too comfortable...
There is a lot in this book...hard to unpack it all, but good to try.

Chremdacasi said...

I just want you to know, that while you may have been "too much" for some in high school or what not if you weren't in a good mood, as uncomfortable as it may have been to be around you at times when you were doing that horrible diet that summer, its your bad and cranky moods during that time that I think of most when I think of the beautiful person that you are. Now that may sound strange, but let me rephrase so that maybe it makes more sense. Your beauty shines through when you let your guard down, and don't try to pretend. I got to see a lot of the true you that summer, and you are beautiful, my friend, my sister.

Chremdacasi said...
