Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chapter 10 - The first part is too painful for me to write upon, I wept through most of it. I will say that the part on sisters and friends is beautiful. We as women do need each other in a unique way that men cannot understand. I realize it all the more in these tough days, just how much I need you all.

Chapter 11 - Warrior Princesses, much to think about. I do admit a longing to be a warrior princess, to be royal, valued and sought after and yet to be heroic at the same time. How do we reconcile these two? Th talk of spiritual, emotional and physical bondage. I find it all such a delicate subject. I think too often these things are ignored, and yet when blatant stories are given (like the dizzy spells and asthma attack), I get a bit queasy. I understand we are under attack. I feel it on a daily basis. Sometimes the attack seems so unbearable all I can pray is, "Lord, help me pray." Even as this chapter writes and as my husband sits watching The Two Towers, I feel such sorrowful kinship to Eowyn, her constant pain and her desire to fight against it and fight for something better. Yet I still struggle with stories of blatant miracles. Am I faithless? A doubter? How can someone so deep in the middle of a battle not understand all these ideas...I'm not sure.


ec said...
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ec said...

All the answers I can offer sound immensely trite in the midst of what you're going through. But you are my sister and i'll keep praying.