Sunday, November 30, 2008

Catching up...

This book overwhelms me.  I mean, to talk in decent detail about each chapter or three chapters is intimidating.  But to not do it, would be sad, cause it's so good.  I'm not sure any of the following will make a whole lot of sense, so I apologize ahead of time.

Romanced (7): It's only of late that I am truly beginning to appreciate God's love letters to me.  I mean, I'm not sure I always loved trees like i do now...but do I love them.  All different kinds, the tall skinny ones in Germany, the ancient gnarled ones in England, the huge Redwoods in CA.  When I walk in woods, I am so happy.  That's a love letter.  Far more poetic than Keats.  :)  This whole idea fills me with such warm fuzzies.  For lack of a better term.  

It's funny how many women/girls want romance.  They may want it to manifest itself in different ways (a book instead of flowers), but we all want it on some level.  And to know that God wants that too, from me, seems impossible.  I've always had a hard time seeing Jesus/ God as lover.  That he was my lover.  Talk about seeming sacrilegious. But I like it.  I mean, I get that it's never a physical relationship.  He's God and all, but that if I truly desire the affection, he'll provide it through others or teach me to grow without it.  That's very comforting.  

For the first time, this year in general, I'm okay with just being romanced by God.  As I learn to be content in that (which will take a lot more time), I'm excited about just being content with him.  It'll make my life so much better if I can be complete in him.  And if I can finally realize that.

Beauty to Unveil (8):  man, I love this stuff.  Offering my uniqueness, my heart, my 'beauty,' sounds so awesome.  Scary, sure, but that I have something to offer and that God wants me to offer, is just so cool.  To be vulnerable (in situations that warrant it) is something I do too often and often come out ashamed of my honesty and disclosure.  So, for me it's not being vulnerable, but discerning when to and when not to.  hmm.  

Willing to Suffer.  pg. 143.  Very scary.  Taking up the cross and suffering.  That really scares me.  I can't say that I desire to suffer.  Who does?  But I want to if it means that I'm going about this right.  So, if to be truly beautiful, I need to suffer, I desire that.  I say that and i feel like I'm about to be smote with lightning, but I guess God knows what I can handle, And i'll trust in that.  Suffering, waiting and persistance (143).  Things I don't do well, but plan to work on.  On pg. 146  The bottom paragraph talks about 'luminosity.'  When people glow.  I've seen people like that.  I think i've had it before, but it's been awhile since I glowed with God's glory.  I want that again.  Glow with God's love.  

Arousing Adam (9):  I haven't finished my study guides for all this chapters, so maybe my responses aren't very deep, but I'm going with first (or technically second) impressions.  "You cannot take your Question to Adam". (pg 151)  AMEN!!! Could we shout that off the rooftops?  The thing about this book is that it offers answers and thoughts, but the fixing of it is the tough, long process part.

"No man can tell you who you are as a woman." (152)

I think I might need to write that and tape it on my mirror.  Romance stories are all well and good, but that amazing ones, the women I like are the ones who realize who they are without the guy.  Those are the women that I want to be.  the ones I hope to write.  :)

Pg. 164.  Second full paragraph.  Emotionally dating, anyone?  I read that and was transported back to Taylor.  Hopefully I'm smarter, more aware now.  

Pg. 165.  being there for someone of the opposite sex without it being wrong.  Chris has done that for me.  And that's one of my favorite memories (you remember, don't you?  beginning of senior year).  I think that's why I crush easily on guys.  A guy shows me how awesome he is and I mistake it for something more.  I'm glad I know that now.  maybe I can avoid it in the future.  My dad does that for me too.  Makes me hope for a guy out there who can be a Godly man.  And even if I don't ever find one for me, that doesn't mean that those men aren't out there.

So, watch out men!  I'm here to arouse.  You know, in a good Godly woman way.  

I'm pretty sure this post is random and disconnected.  Hope it makes sense.

1 comment:

sarahnoel said...

"So, watch out men! I'm here to arouse. You know, in a good Godly woman way."
