Friday, February 1, 2008

The Movie?

Did anyone else know this existed? Apparently they've made The Jane Austen Book Club the movie. I watched the trailer and I'm not sure if it gives anything away or just makes some stuff up, but if you don't want to risk any spoilers, I'd wait until after you have read the whole thing. They definitely took some liberties with it though, all the characters are younger and prettier than the ones in the book. You can see this just by following my link to the IMDB page. They also have all their stories happening simultaneously...I guess maybe they had trouble finding a way to make the book into a story with a point? Anyhow, once people have viewed this I'd like to know what they think. I almost feel like we should all see the movie so we can compare...isn't that what Sarah does for a living?! :)


ec said...

you didn't know there was a movie? came out this summer or fall, can't remember. it was only at the cinema in Bath for a week so i didn't get to see it.

Riley from buffy is in it. :)

shoppergrl said...

I agree, we should all see the movie to see how it compares to the book. I wanted to see it in the theatres, I think it came out in November? But didn't get a chance. Anyways, I think the hard part now will be finding it, it seems to be in-between movies and rental, so we might have to wait a bit.

sarahnoel said...

Yes, knowing that it was a movie helped motivate me to want to read the book. I think it's coming out on dvd this week, or it did last week. But, I'm planning on waiting until I finish reading until I see it. But, I'm definitely up for including that in our discussion. As has been pointed out--it's what I do!