Monday, December 8, 2008

December book

Okay, here's the deal. I've picked a fun, Christmas pop-fiction novel. I needed something light this month for obvious reasons. It's called The Secret Life of Mrs. Claus by Carly Alexander. I read about a quarter of it to make sure it was okay...don't think it's too sleezy and actually has some heart-warming messages so far. It basically has three shorter stories which are linked by a common theme/prologue. I'm not going to set specific dates for when each section is read, but I'd ask that we try and read it all by the first week of January if possible, since it is a Christmas book. I'm also going to suggest that we post on each section seperately since each of the three stories is sort of independant. With Christmas break coming up this should be doable for us I it's a fun read. Hopefully the rest of the book is good.


sarahnoel said...

Sounds good! I just ordered it from the library. I've only got one chapter left in Captivating and then I'll have final thoughts up!

ec said...

i need to finish up captivating and i'll post soon too. i like the sound of the new book. :-D