Friday, June 27, 2008

My take on the Whole Book

This was the second time I had enjoyed this story. The first time I listened on a somewhat scratched up audio book, but I got most of the story. I thoroughly enjoyed rereading it and found it difficult to put down so that I finally just read through, being sure to blog on each section and save it to post later. I love the characters, I love the premise of the cheese making factory and even though it may have been a bit whimsical and dreamy, I enjoyed the story.

I agree that Kit and Abbey falling for each other seems improbable in real life, but I think it works in this book as part of the magic surrounding Corrie, Fee and all of Coolarny. I think Kit is a very interesting character from a psychological standpoint and I just can't help but love poor, innocent, betrayed Abbey. The other characters are of course what make the book, but I think the main characters have their own place in the story.

As for the end of the story, I cried during the last chapter of course. It was touching and beautiful. I love that Corrie's legacy was to save all those little babies and help all those lonely, scared, mothers. I think the whole concept is beautiful and it made the end of the book for me. I also appreciate that it was Lucy's baby that Abbey got to adopt at the end. I am glad for the scene between Abbey and Lucy that Lynch included near the end, where Lucy finds Abbey crying after Kit leaves. I think it helps solidify the connection. Overall I loved reading this story and hope everyone else enjoyed it as well.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The end.

I've been waiting till we got to the end, because I can only think about the book now as a whole, not by chapters.

I did enjoy this book. The cheese-making stuff was probably my favorite bit about it. All very interesting. Corrie and Fee and Avis were great too. In fact, I think the story should have been more about them than about Abbey and Kit.

I had some issues though. The love at first sight thing with Abbey and Kit. Nice to read, but not on the whole very satisfying. Jacey not being dead seemed weak. I mean, how could everyone say she was dead? or was it just Kit and that's why everyone couldn't sympathize much more with him? Anyway, it made me think Kit was a bit mental, which I didn't like.

And the fact that Corrie and Fee had money from elsewhere so that the cheesemaking was a labour of love? Sorry, but that's lame. Deus ex Machina if I've ever saw one. Sort of seemed like bad writing.

I repeat, that I did like this story. Worth reading once, but not something I'd keep and reread later on. Which is good since i have too many books at the moment and need to get rid of some anyway. :)

When do we start Kate's book?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Revelations (Chapters 17-19)

Well this would be the part of the book where we learn everything we don't already know. I don't feel as if the information about Abbey's grandmother was as shocking as it could have been. It is sad, though and offers some insight into Rose's despicable character. With women like those it's a wonder Abbey turned out as well as she did. As for Jacey I can honestly say I did not see that coming in any way, shape or form. It certainly is bizarre. I looked back to see if there was some clue, but I think the point is that Kit actually made himself believe she was dead. Poor man, I guess he didn't know what he was getting into with her. She certainly turned up at an inconvenient time and she sure seems to have some kind of power over Kit. It's no wonder he had to kill her in his mind to be free of her before. The one question that no one is probably asking right now though, is where did Fee go on the tractor?

Note: Today was the first time I actually thought some cheese might taste good and had some along with a glass of grape juice while I was reading...may have something to do with the time of day. I'm normally hungry around lunch and sick around dinner and the evening when I usually read. Today I read just after lunch.

Friday, June 6, 2008

They aren't Clicking

Does anyone else feel like Abbey and Kit are just not working together...not in any way, shape or form! Poor Abbey, she seems to be having her share of most humiliating, most embarrassing moments in a short time...first the thing with her mom and Jasper, then the embarrassing comments about Kit's wife, then the weird almost sex thing! I mean seriously, this poor girl is not doing well. Maybe she and Kit will end up together, but if they do it will take a lot of work. I must say though that I absolutely love that Corrie and Fee don't actually use the pasteurizer unless the inspector is present, but that one only realizes it if one studies the pipes. I love that Kit picked up on it too...too funny!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

All Right, Already.

I'm reading it. I've read it. I'm through chapter 17, and even though we're not supposed to post on that until tomorrow--I'm taking a chance (Katie, read no further if you haven't got there yet). Though I'm enjoying the book, I have no overall thesis to essay here, so forgive the randomness of the following reactions:

I feel (like I think everyone else) that the beginning was a bit slow--I mean it takes the first 2/3rds of the book for everyone to get to the farm. But then, I almost feel like things are moving too fast. I mean, Abbey and Kit have known each other two days and they're about to have sex? It's almost like Fee and co.'s expectations for their relationship is enough of a foundation for it to actually happen; I'm not sure I buy that. Plus, I wonder at Lynch having too many balls in the air--I'm intrigued to see if all of them get tied together in a convincing and clever manner, or if some of the side stories and issues are just stand alone. (Although, I really liked that Kit's mom used to be a milkmaid there; that was unexpected, unlike, the fact that Rose married Jasper, but maybe I see that as predictable because I did and if I'd guessed the other or not guessed the marriage, I'd feel differently.) I guess one of my big questions is how do we feel about Fee's premonitions and ability to read thoughts? I think Eden's going to post on this subject, so I won't say much, yet...