Saturday, March 8, 2008

Next Book...

So, I'm leaning towards Prince Caspian as our next book, since I would like to read it before the movie comes out this summer. I can be dissuaded if people would rather not do a book we have already read though. Just let me know soon, so I can come up with another book.

Also, if we are going to do Prince Caspian, how many of us are going to in some way refresh on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe? I know I will, either through the movie or the book. Although, if we're up for it, we could make our first post on the entire book of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and then break down Prince Caspian in a schedule. The sooner everyone can let me know their thoughts on this the better. Thanks for your input.


ec said...

I'll reread both if you like. I can get those easily at the library. I'm game for either way.



Good choice, Christopher.

sarahnoel said...

Well, I don't really care, I'll read whatever you choose, but I am enjoying reading new stuff. I probably won't re-read TL,TW,&TW as I'm needing to spend more time on school reading.

When does the movie come out?

Chremdacasi said...

I'm fine with whatever...I'll probably listen to it on audio book anyhow and the skim the book for the first one...Prince Caspian comes out May 16th - Yay how excited am I?!!

shoppergrl said...

I'll read whatever you guys want as well. Although, I echo Sarah in that I am enjoying reading new books, but Christophe, it is your choice, so choose what you really want to read.

sarahnoel said...

So, if this is our next book, what's the schedule? (I move that there's a week break in between books though, per our earlier precedent.)

shoppergrl said...

I agree with the week break in-between books as well, gives us busy people time to find the book before we have to start reading it.

Chremdacasi said...

Sorry to disappoint those who wanted a new book. I'll aim for that next time. Anyway, I've been crazy busy so haven't had time to post on the end of Whose Body? I did thoroughly enjoy it though.

I'll put up a new post with the early schedule for the next book (and update it when I have the book in front of me to be a complete schedule).