Sunday, March 16, 2008

She's my hero

I can't think of much to add either. I think Kate pretty much covered it. I have noticed that quite often in these mysteries, Sayers never writes what happens to the culprit. Peter figures it out or there is a confession, etc, and that's kind of the end. And she knew the law system at the time, so i'm not sure why she didn't give a sum up to what happened, but there you go.

Parker is a fabulous character and we haven't much talked about him, but he is also just fabulous. Very unimaginative and practical, but how i love him too. He becomes an Inspector later on, at least by Strong Poison.

I'm terribly glad that everyone enjoyed this book, and i do believe the books get better as you go on. When are we starting on Prince Caspian, Chris?

Oh, and i'm nearly done with the next one, Clouds of Witness. You get to meet more of Peter's family because his brother, the Duke is arrested for murder!!

People who don't read miss out on so much.

1 comment:

sarahnoel said...

It's true; reading gives people so much: exposure to people, places, ideas they don't encounter in their regular lives, unending amounts of entertainment and amusement, beauty, truth. The list could go on and on.

I guess that's what "we seek through millions of pages."