Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tunnels, Travels and Conceptual Boats? Raw Shark Part 3

I really enjoyed reading part three of this book, well, most of it. There are still parts I just don't get, but oh well, at least I'm following the story and liking it. I found the whole journey through un-space kind of cool. I wonder if it is supposed to represent something, but I don't really care to take the time to elaborate on that possibility. I did think it was neat how Scout and Eric's relationship developed along the journey. Oh and Ian...Scout clearly has something going with the cat. Is this a clue that she's connected to Clio?

It felt good to finally get some meat on the bones of the story. The journey, finding Fidorous, the first Eric's bedroom and things, even the fight between Scout and Eric gave the story something solid to hold onto and enjoy. I am finally eager to continue on for the sake of the story. Before this I felt much of the book was a vague story line held together by a lot of weird sci fi. I suppose though that this is how Eric felt as well. He even mentions somewhere in part three about finally feeling like he was building a life of his own. That's partially why Scout's betrayal hurt him I think.

The boat...This one was really weird. It took me way too long to read the diagram and descriptions, though I loved that "Ian the cat" was included. I can't wait to see what happens with this...especially since I'm not sure I really understand what happened at the end. I'll have to read on.

On to part four...it will make or break this story. I'm really nervous now that I'm into and enjoying the story. Will I be thrilled with the ending, just satisfied, disappointed, or throwing the book across the room?!

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