Monday, September 29, 2008

Ender's Game

I'm excited to be reading this book; I've heard about it for so long, it's a classic in the sci-fi cannon, people have suggested I'll love, I'm glad to have started, and I like it so far.

I'm not sure that I have much to say at this point. I'm a bit incredulous that Ender is so cognizant and talented at six. But, hey, a Christ figure has to be super-special. I'll admit that I was sad that I never caught the idea of "Ender" as one who ends things, one who finishes, until it was pointed out to me by the book--I guess subtleties are still lost on me at times.

The thing that keeps running through my mind is Battlestar Galactica; I don't think anyone else here reads it, but the general gist is futuristic space fleet fighting for the survival of humanity against Cylons. The admiral of the fleet is a mostly good leader, but he is a very human figure with lots of flaws. I'm kind of hoping this isn't the future for Ender--sometimes I just want my heroes to be seemingly beyond human, to be able to rise above the complications that everyday people like me have to deal with.

I'm looking forward to more about the history of this world, the war, who the "buggers" are, etc.


Chremdacasi said...

Don't worry, I had no idea about the Ender and end thing either...until I just read your post! I'm curious about the buggers too. Do you think they are just called that because they are annoying or do they resemble bugs? Uhg, creepy to think about...

Chremdacasi said...

Yeah, never caught the "ender" reference myself, despite this being my second time through the book. I guess I just never even think to look for those sorts of name games.