Friday, January 18, 2008


Following Roomie's lead I will also make a proposal that barring amendments or objections we can just consider to be the "rules".

I think we need to strike a balance between the need to discuss along the way, yet not wanting to have too strict of a reading schedule. So, here's my proposal, based on Sarah's suggested finish date of February 15th.

No posts concerning what you have read until January 25th. From January 25th to February 1st posts can be written concerning the 1st 2 chapters. From February 1st to February 8th posts can be written concerning the 1st 4 chapters and then on February 15th the whole book is game. This way everyone knows if they risk spoiling anything for themselves by checking out the blog. It will be up to those posting to make sure that they do not include any hints or ideas they may have gotten from reading beyond what we are posting about.

Also I propose that in our labels we post our names so that we can separate out each others contributions more easily if we are looking back for a previous post. Also, we should use either the book or author or both in the label for the current book we are reading. Again for easier sorting. Just some suggestions.


ec said...

sounds alright to me, except i'm gonna have to find the book cause neither library can get one for me. GRRRRR.

sarahnoel said...

nifty with the labels and all

sarahnoel said...

Is this off? We can talk about the whole book starting today (the 8th) right?

sarahnoel said...

oh, I'm proposing we had the label "schedule" each time we post one. For ease of reference, of course.