Friday, January 25, 2008

Completely Frivolous

Chris, you may not want to participate.

Which Austen Heroine are you?

I swear I just randomly found this on a friend's blog. How crazy is that?

According to the difficult quiz, I'm Catherine Morland of Northanger Abbey. Which I guess I'll need to read.

Funniest part is it's one of the two Austen stories that's partly set in Bath. Oh the irony!

On another note, this blog is set on Mountain time I think. It's actually the 26th at about 3:10 in the morning for me.


sarahnoel said...

Chris absolutely needs to take the quiz. I mandate it.

I, of course, am Elinor Dashwood, but it was hard to objectively answer the questions since some of them were rather obvious as to which heroine they referred (who would play you in a movie? who's your best friend?).

Great fun though.

Chremdacasi said...

I don't need to take the quiz, because I already know who I am in Austen's works....(well I knew the character, not the name, so Emily looked it up for me). I'm Mr. Palmer....

Chremdacasi said...

And honestly....I really didn't need to do the quiz, because I knew I soon as I saw Roomie's results what mine would be, but just to double check, sure enough I am Elinor Dashwood. That's despite picking Kate Winslet to play me in a movie.

Chremdacasi said...

I was Emma, not really a surprise I must admit. Chris is making me copy the paragraph description:

"You are Emma Woodhouse of Emma! You like being the queen of your social circle (small and provincial as it may be), and feel it's your duty to help those less influential than you. You often meddle in the affairs of others, though you do it with a pure heart. You are often deluded in your flights of fancy, but your good intentions and creative spirit make you someone anyone could like."

I agree with Sarah that the questions were quite obvious about which Austen heroine they were referring to, but I had Chris to force me to be objective in my answers. I am not at all surprised at any of the answers any of us have gotten. I guess we all answered true to character.

sarahnoel said...

I picked Kate Winslet too!

Chris, I don't know who Mr. Palmer is. I want to know which heroine you are!

shoppergrl said...

I didn't really know which heroine I would be, I turned out to be Marianne Dashwood! I can see that. I agree that Chris needs to take this quiz. :)

Chremdacasi said...

Katie, I was completely unsurprised by your results as well. I guess I know us all well. Apparently none of you read Chris's second comment on this post very well. He said he did take the test to confirm his guess that he was like Roomie. His result was that he was Elinor Dashwood.

sarahnoel said...

ah, I didn't realize--thanks for the clarification, Em! (sometimes it's tricky figuring out which of you is writing)

Chremdacasi said...

I always sign my name, something Chris said we should each do, but something he keeps forgetting. Chances are if the post in unsigned, it's Chris writing! So we have two Elinors, a Maryanne, a Catherine and an Emma. At least we are a diverse group!