Monday, April 27, 2009

New Book!

Okay, so I guess I'm up...sorry for the delay. High-Rise by J.G. Ballard. My choice is a bit of a cop-out, since I've read it, but I do think it's a super interesting book--plus, I'm writing about it for my dissertation as we speak, so 1. you'll get to beta read my chapter! 2. you'll be able to understand when I go on ad naseum about every detail! 3. Ballard is super innovative and important in contemporary British literature and the SF genre and 4. is about to go through a resurgence in popularity, so you're getting on the cool train early 5. really? you need more? this isn't selling it?

Since it's a short book, here's my proposal--a week for all parties to get the book and then two reading check points: one half way through and one at the end, so...

Ch's 1-8 (read through "The Predatory Birds") by May 13th
Finish book by May 22nd

Lemme know if that works for everyone!