Hi all… Sarah’s brother, Nathan, here. Good pick Katie, I like it so far!
First off, I like the amnesia story as a convention; Bourne Identity, Memento, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, etc., it always makes for a fun mystery-ish drama. Second, this is a cool new take on the old sci-fi standard artificial intelligence trope. The way it (Ludovician, aka- the big bad idea shark-see attached photo) arose out of collective consciousness instead of just being an A.I. that the internet birthed is kinda unique… I like it. Third big plus, I love it when authors try to push the “text only” convention a bit. House of Leaves by Danielewski does a lot of the strange formatting and adding drawings and stuff, probably too much, but RST is starting to show some promise… I just hope an ASCII Ludo shows up and starts eating the narrative by the end.
The story does, however, have that possibility of ending up with an “it was all a dream” kinda psychological twist. I hate those endings, they always feel like an allegorical cop out. Either be blatantly in the world of fable and allegory or be spec fic, don’t try to switch it out at the end so people get your point better. I do think that RST probably won’t go there.
Question: If RST is Moby Dick, is the new Eric Sanderson Ahab?
Nate, did you draw the shark?
~ Emily~
Did anyone say that RST was Moby Dick or are you making that comparison yourself?
No Em, I found the shark, just googled Ludovician in images... and Sarah, the comparison is mine. Seems he's going after the big bad fish - it seems logical. Perhaps, Eric Sanderson is more like the narrator in Moby Dick though, he is learning as he goes along.
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