Monday, June 23, 2008

The end.

I've been waiting till we got to the end, because I can only think about the book now as a whole, not by chapters.

I did enjoy this book. The cheese-making stuff was probably my favorite bit about it. All very interesting. Corrie and Fee and Avis were great too. In fact, I think the story should have been more about them than about Abbey and Kit.

I had some issues though. The love at first sight thing with Abbey and Kit. Nice to read, but not on the whole very satisfying. Jacey not being dead seemed weak. I mean, how could everyone say she was dead? or was it just Kit and that's why everyone couldn't sympathize much more with him? Anyway, it made me think Kit was a bit mental, which I didn't like.

And the fact that Corrie and Fee had money from elsewhere so that the cheesemaking was a labour of love? Sorry, but that's lame. Deus ex Machina if I've ever saw one. Sort of seemed like bad writing.

I repeat, that I did like this story. Worth reading once, but not something I'd keep and reread later on. Which is good since i have too many books at the moment and need to get rid of some anyway. :)

When do we start Kate's book?


Chremdacasi said...

I would have to completely disagree about Corrie, Fee and the money issue. I think it is completely plausible for someone to do something they love for the pleasure of it, regardless of the money. I don't find it contrived at all. This happens in real life from time to time and so I don't think it does anything by enhance the story.

ec said...

I don't know. It just struck me as contrived. Not that they continue making cheese. I buy that. Just the loads of money for somewhere else.

But hey, we can agree to disagree. :)

sarahnoel said...

I don't disagree that they could have done the cheese (and run the pregnancy care center) just because they wanted to, but I would have preferred to see a little planting of clues before hand regarding their finances, so that it wasn't so completely out of left field.