Sunday, May 18, 2008

Secondhand Lions (Wait I mean Blessed are the Cheesemakers)

So, I hope I'm not the only one who picked up on the ummm....."similarity" (read blatant rip-off) between these two stories; two crotchety old men, supposedly quite wealthy, take on random person (people) from broken homes and turn them into normal functioning people (at least I assume that's going to happen). Thankfully I liked Secondhand Lions, so the formulas all good with me. I mean, I'm sure most of you know that my desire in life is to become a grumpy old man, so I always enjoy a good story glorifying that ideal. Anyway, I wonder which came first, since the formula is just soooooo close.

Anyway, I have to say through 5 chapters, I was a bit bored by the little random snippets that were all over the place, but since I was not feeling great this morning, I read the next 5 already and the story really starts to build on itself. Its going to take some discipline to not read the rest of the book today. We'll see...


Chremdacasi said...

If you do read it all in one weekend, you wouldn't be the first to do so!

ec said...

never saw secondhand lions, so no clue if it bears much similarity.

*raises hand* yup, that's me. the crazy girl who read the whole book in a weekend.