Monday, April 28, 2008

Next book

I'm so sorry everyone, I have been completely distracted of late. In case any of you didn't hear I cut my thumb open Sunday a week ago (badly) and had to have stitches, a splint, the whole shebang and have had a heck of a time just surviving lately...can barely change and feed my kids etc. I can barely type so I've spent almost no time on the computer and even thought I got the stitches out today they still have me in a splint and it's still quite sore with some residual numbness...I was told it may take a total of 6 weeks to heal completely. Anyhow, the book I'd like us all to do next is called Blessed are the cheesemakers by Sarah-Kate Lynch. I think everyone will like can we not when the author is names Sarah-Kate?! That's a good sign! I also promise I will do a final post on Caspian as soon as my thumb is up to it or I have more time to slowly type a post.


sarahnoel said...

Yeah, sorry that I haven't done any posts. ::hangs head in shame::

The next three weeks are going to be pretty crazy for me, so I might just skip Caspian altogether and just get started on the next...

ec said...

i just got the book. what's the schedule.

em, if you post about caspian, i will too. i just really couldn't think of much to say other than, "LOVE IT"

Chremdacasi said...

We are having a few difficulties getting our hands on the book so I haven't been able to look at it a physical copy to divide the Chapters up...Eden since you have the book, how many Chapters are there and about how long are they?


ec said...

the chapters aren't too long. There's 21 and an epilogue if that helps. looks good!