Saturday, March 1, 2008

since no one else is posting...

I'm wondering if perhaps everyone is bogged down in life stuff. Everybody okay? Everyone still want to do this reading and blogging thing?

Well, I just finished chapter 6, so I wanted to post so I could start reading 7-10 next. It's unbearable to read Wimsey so slow, but i must confess it's probably good for me.

I have my doubts about Sir Julian Freke. I would immediately suspect him, but the Dowager seems to like him and she's pretty insightful. But I don't know, he worries me a bit. And the american oil guy. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Thipps maid and her man. :)

My favorite thing about these mysteries is how they (parker and peter in this case) follow up every little thing, even if it's a rabbit trail. And Ms. Sayers writes it so well that you can't really tell what's important to know and what's filler. That's good story telling.

I continued to love it and hope all of you do as well, because well, when you find such a good character you want to share it will everyone you know.


sarahnoel said...

I still want to read and all. The "due date" was only yesterday, and that's when I finished the reading, so at least for my part, I wouldn't be too concerned about the lack of posts immediately. (Although you, Emily, and I seem to be the only ones reading, so maybe there is cause for concern...)

What I think is a wild goose chase are the p-n glasses. I think that guy truly did lose them and the body just picked them up. Right now I trust Sir JF, I'm definitely thinking that there was something going on with the international investments and that Levy is involved in his own disappearance.

Chremdacasi said...

I agree about suspicions on Sir Julian Freke and even if he isn't directly involved, I feel like he's hiding something...maybe his past love with Mrs. Levy is involved in some way.

I am fine and yes busy, but I'm still reading and will try and post on everything in the allotted time...craziness with the kids sometimes means I don't get to post when I want, even if I've read the chapters. :)

Chremdacasi said...

I'm still here...I think the most likely co-conspirator (with Levy of course) is the dude with the red-headed secratary. (Or the red-headed secratary himself).