Saturday, March 1, 2008

CSI: London

I must say that I'm very intrigued by the amount of forensic work they (well, Bunter) are doing in the case. So often we think of forensics as a very contemporary science, but it's been around for nearly 100 years. I wonder if it will solve the case a la most detective shows nowadays.

My other thought during these chapters is that I hope/imagine that Peter is going to prove to be a genius. Right now he's very much got the lounging, non-active playboy act going for him. While he seems to be lazy and just lucky, I'm hoping that's a bit of an act on his part. And that he'll reveal some sign of activity at the end. I suppose he already did this a little by insinuating to Parker that he was just off to have lunch at a club, when he actually was going to slyly interrogate Levy's business rival (I forget his name, with the red-headed secretary). I get the sense from the fact that his career seems to be in media res (i.e. there are allusions to other cases he's solved previously) he must be clever and not just amusing.


ec said...

shall i answer you? is peter merely lucky or a genius?

nah, i ain't gonna answer. :)

Chremdacasi said...

I too am wondering if Peter is a genius. Of course if anyone here has read Jeeves and Wooster (not mystery, but another famous English gentleman and his butler duo) you might wonder as I do if Bunter will be the genius in this case.

Chremdacasi said...

Peter is definitely a genius. Have you ever seen anyone better at arguing things just so that he gets to do what he wants for either case and leaves Parker to do all the drudgery. There's nothing more genius than being an arrogant jerk to your friends :-)