Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mr. Darcy makes #1

So I know this is a bit of a stretch, but since we are discussing a book in which Austen's works are discussed, Sarah and I agreed I ought to post this for you all to read. Sarah also suggested we should now read these seven books in order for our book club so we can study the ideal man. What do you think, Chris? :)


ec said...

an ideal man?

they only exist in literature.

i'd rather have a real guy with flaws.

shoppergrl said...

Says the woman who writes fanfiction... :)

sarahnoel said...

That's a pretty good list, but I'd have to take off Mr. Rochester (after Wide Sargasso Sea I just can't get as excited for him, and I'd replace him with Laurie from Little Women. George Emerson is an inspired choice (okay, so I've only "read" the movie, but I know how Merchant and Ivory roll), so delicious...

Actually that wouldn't be a bad book club list, (Chris you would really like The Count of Monte Cristo, but I like the idea of reading new (to me) books.

ec said...

i try to give my fanfic guys flaws, although that's sometimes hard.

i agree about mr. rochester, never been a fan. jane was cool, her story...not so much.

Chremdacasi said...

I forgot to respond to this...but I just don't see the point in doing a literature study on the ideal man. Ya'll already know me, so what would the point be? Literature perfection can never quite attain what ya'll have already seen in me. :-)

I have seen the movie of The Count of Monte Cristo, although based on the story for that one, I can see where the book would be amazingly better. I may have to add that to my book on tape list.