Friday, January 25, 2008

An Interesting First book

First of all I think that it is highly appropriate that we are reading a book about a book club as our first book, especially since the fictional one has only one male in it as well! Second, I have read this book before, but don't remember much so you shouldn't have to worry about me accidentally giving spoilers.

I can't say that I love this book, though I am certainly intrigued by it. Right away I began looking for comparisons between each character and the book that was being read in each chapter. I think I'm finding that characters have some character traits with a modern twist on the Austen characters. I find the personal histories interesting, though somewhat perverted in many instances. I am very glad to be reading this book with a group of Christians so that if I express my disgust at moral filth, I won't be berated for narrow-mindedness.

My natural tendency when reading almost any story is to find the character I am most like and relate to the person. Thus far I haven't found someone I am like per say. I think perhaps Sylvia is the one I feel most akin to, but that could easily change. Part of the difficulty in having only six, very long chapters, each devoted mainly to the personality of one person, is that we won't really get to know the last character until the final least this is what I presume. I suppose we do learn bits and pieces about each person through the other's eyes.

As far as voice goes, I find it a bit out of the ordinary, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work for this book.. I actually enjoyed the part in chapter one where suddenly the story was being told from the point of view of the dog, very clever and an interesting perspective. I suppose the benefit of having the book written this way is that we get a more intimate look at each character from his or her own point of view. This book is all about the characters in my opinion, so for me, this works well as a narrative technique.

No entry on any book would be complete without my favorite quotes so here are the ones that have stood out for me in the first two chapters, though apparently they are all out of the second one only:

"What a waste those eyelashes were on a man who watched sitcoms."

"A madonna with fire-bright cheeks, eyes like mirrors."

"Sylvia had uncorked a nice Petit Syrah, something that went well with cheese and crackers, the rain and the fire."

"Another woman was writing a fantasy novel, and it had a good plot, ticked right along, except everyone in it had amber eyes, or emerald or amethyst or sapphire. Nothing the other members said could persuade her to substitute brown or blue..."

Confession about the last quote, it made me think of Eden! Chris apparently though the same thing! Anyone else think of her when they read that? :)


Chremdacasi said...

That last quote automatically brought me back to Taylor days and Emily reading Carson's stuff. If I remember correctly, she constantly gave Carson a hard time about characters rolling their eyes?


ec said...

Oh, this is harsh. I'm fragile and I've never given anyone amber or emerald eyes. I once mentioned sapphire, but only in describing the blue eyes. Just once.

And well, i still have to hold back from having my characters roll their eyes. I guess I do it a lot. That and sighing. They sigh a lot. It's hard to express amusement or annoyance any other way.

sarahnoel said...

Giggle. I hadn't actually thought of it. I too found a favorite quote, but unfortunately didn't write it down, and I gave Katie the book. I'll be sure to post it though!

I agree with you Em, about getting to know characters and how one will be a mystery until the final chapter which will undoubtedly change all the preconceived notions we had of him (well, it could be her, but my money's on the guy's chapter being last!).

As far as my opinion on the p.o.v., that I'll be saving for a post of my own!

Chremdacasi said...

Good call on the guy being last. The only other option is the divorced woman right?


(Can I just say how annoying it is to try to remember to sign this everytime, of course it would be more annoying to log out and log in under different accounts every time I wanted to comment)

Chremdacasi said...

Carse, you could have them wiggle their fingers. Emily does it like crazy when she's excited/happy or annoyed. Talk about truly wearing your emotions on your sleeve (well hand is close to sleeve). Its funny, because sometimes she'll be trying to hide that she's annoyed, but those fingers will still be working, and that's my clue.

Chremdacasi said...

Punk husband! Nobody listen to him!

shoppergrl said...

I really liked that quote, too, about the fantasy novel. It made me laugh. Although, I didn't think about Eden until you mentioned it, Em, but now that you did mention it... :)

I, too, have been trying to find a character that I feel I relate to, but haven't been too successful thus far since we only get a glimpse of the other characters when it is the main characters chapters. I've been trying to find the links between the Austen novels and the characters as well.